Please note that any alcohol goods will be shipped by a third party company who is fully licenced to sell alcohol.
Items containing alcohol can only be ordered by and delivered to persons aged 18 and over.
By ordering you are confirming that you are over the age of 18.

The Licencing Act 2003 – Section 190
The place where the order for alcohol, or payment for it, takes place may not
be the same as the place where the alcohol is appropriated to the contract.
(I.e. the place where it is identified and specifically set apart for delivery to the
This position can arise when sales are made online, by telephone, or mail order. It will be the premises at this location which need to be licensed; for example, a call centre receiving orders for alcohol would not need a licence but the warehouse where the alcohol is stored and specifically selected for, and despatched to the purchaser would need to be licensed.
These licensed premises will, as such, be subject to conditions including the times of day during which alcohol may be sold.
The premises licence will also be subject to the mandatory licence conditions.
1) *D.O.B to be checked
2) 18+ Logo to be displayed on website
3) State on site all alcohol can only be ordered and/or received by a person
over the age of 18.
Courier drivers can request proof of I.D or refuse to deliver if proof of age is withheld when requested.
*By ordering from this Website you are confirming that both you and the recipient are over the age of 18.
*All goods containing alcohol are shipped by a 3rd Party Company who is fully licenced to sell alcohol.